كتاب: الالكترونيات العملية للمبتكرين Practical Electronics for Inventors
Practical Electronic for Inventors
إذا كنت لا تزال مبتدئاً بعالم الالكترونيات، وتريد البحث عن الكتاب الأمثل والأفضل الذي يعلمك كافة مبادئ الالكترونيات والكهرباء والعناصر الالكترونية، بدءاً من العناصر الالكترونية الغير فعالة (السلبية) كالمقاومات والمكثفات، وصولاً لأنصاف النواقل والدارات المتكاملة وأسس الالكترونيات الرقمية والمتحكمات والمعالجات الصغرية، فإن كتاب “Practical Electronics for Inventors” هو حلك الأمثل.
هذا الكتاب الرائع بأسلوبه وطريقة عرضه للمعلومة التقنية والعلمية، يمثل مرجعاً ممتازاً يستطيع الاستفادة منه الطالب والمهندس والفني الممارس. وهو يغطي كافة جوانب علوم الالكترونيات وأسسها، بشكل بسيط وسلس وغني بالأمثلة التوضيحية والدارات العملية التطبيقية.
الكتاب يقع في 625 صفحة باللغة الانجليزية من إصدار دار النشر العالمية McGraw Hill (علماً أنه يتواجد منه نسخة مترجمة للغة العربية بعنوان “الالكترونيات العملية للمبتكرين” من إصدارات دار شعاع – حلب – سورية) وهو يضم الأبحاث والفصول التالية:
CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Electronics
CHAPTER 2 Theory
2.1 Current
2.2 Voltage
2.3 Resistance
2.4 DC Power Sources
2.5 Two Simple Battery Sources
2.6 Electric Circuits
2.7 Ohm’s Law
2.8 Circuit Reduction
2.9 Kirchhoff’s Laws
2.10 Thevenin’s Theorem
2.11 Sinusoidal Power Sources
2.12 Root Mean Square (rms) Voltages
2.13 Capacitors
2.14 Reactance of a Capacitor
2.15 Inductors
2.16 Reactance of an Inductor
2.17 Fundamental Potentials and Circuits
2.18 DC Sources and RC/RL/RLC Circuits
2.19 Complex Numbers
2.20 Circuits with Sinusoidal Sources
2.21 Analysing Complex Circtuis with Complex Imoedance
2.22 Impedances in Series and the Voltage Divider
2.23 Impedances in Parallel and the Current Divider
2.24 Applying Kirchhoff’s Laws in AC Form
2.25 Thevenin’s Theorem in AC Form
2.26 Power in AC Circuits
2.27 Decibels
2.28 Resonance in LC Circuits
2.29 Resonance in RLC Circuits
2.30 Filters
2.31 Circuits with Periodic Nonsinusoidal Sources
2.32 Circuits with Nonperiodic Sources
2.33 Nonlinear Circuits and Analyzing Circuits by Intuition
CHAPTER 3 Basic Electronic Circuit Components
3.1 Wires, Cables, and Connectors
3.2 Batteries
3.3 Switches
3.4 Relays
3.5 Resistors
3.6 Capacitors
3.7 Inductors
3.8 Transformers
3.9 Fuses and Circuit Breakers
CHAPTER 4 Semiconductors
4.1 Semiconductor Technology
4.2 Diodes
4.3 Transistors
4.4 Thyristors
CHAPTER 5 Optoelectronics
5.1 A Little Lecture on Photons
5.2 Lamps
5.3 Light-Emitting Diodes
5.4 Photoresistors
5.5 Photodiodes
5.6 Solar Cells
5.7 Phototransistors
5.8 Photothyristors
5.9 Optoisolators
CHAPTER 6 Integrated Circuits
6.1 IC Packages
6.2 Some Basic ICs to Get You Started
CHAPTER 7 Operational Amplifiers 219
7.1 Operational Amplifier Water Analogy
7.2 How Op Amps Work (The “Cop-Out” Explanation)
7.3 Theory
7.4 Negative Feedback
7.5 Positive Feedback
7.6 Real Kinds of Op Amps
7.7 Op Amp Specifications
7.8 Powering Op Amps
7.9 Some Practical Notes
7.10 Voltage and Current Offset Compensation
7.11 Frequency Compensation
7.12 Comparators
7.13 Comparators with Hysteresis
7.14 Using Single-Supply Comparators
7.15 Window Comparator
7.16 Voltage-Level Indicator
7.17 Applications
CHAPTER 8 Filters
8.1 Things to Know before You Start Designing Filters
8.2 Basic Filters
8.3 Passive Low-Pass Filter Design
8.4 A Note on Filter Types
8.5 Passive High-Pass Filter Design
8.6 Passive Bandpass Filter Design
8.7 Passive Notch Filter Design
8.8 Active Filter Design
8.9 Integrated Filter Circuits
CHAPTER 9 Oscillators and Timer
9.1 RC Relaxation Oscillators
9.2 The 555 Timer IC
9.3 Voltage-Controlled Oscillators (VCOs)
9.4 Wien-Bridge and Twin-T Oscillators
9.5 LC Oscillators (Sinusoidal Oscillators)
9.6 Crystal Oscillators
CHAPTER 10 Voltage Regulators and Power Supplie
10.1 Voltage-Regulator ICs
10.2 A Quick Look at a Few Regulator Applications
10.3 The Transformer
10.4 Rectifier Packages
10.5 A Few Simple Power Supplies
10.6 Technical Points about Ripple Reduction
10.7 Loose Ends
10.8 Switching Regulator Supplies (Switchers)
10.9 Kinds of Commercial Power Supply Packages
10.10 Power Supply Construction
CHAPTER 11 Audio Electronics
11.1 A Little Lecture on Sound
11.2 Microphones
11.3 Microphone Specifications
11.4 Audio Amplifiers
11.5 Preamplifiers
11.6 Mixer Circuits
11.7 ANote on Impedance Matching
11.8 Speakers
11.9 Crossover Networks
11.10 Simple ICs Used to Drive Speakers
11.11 Audible-Signal Devices
11.12 Miscellaneous Audio Circuits
CHAPTER 12 Digital Electronics
12.1 The Basics of Digital Electronics
12.2 Logic Gates
12.3 Combinational Devices
12.4 Logic Families
12.5 Powering and Testing Logic ICs and General Rules of Thumb
12.6 Sequential Logic
12.7 Counter ICs
12.8 Shift Registers
12.9 Three-State Buffers, Latches, and Transceivers
12.10 Additional Digital Topics
CHAPTER 13 DC Motors, RC Servos, and Stepper Motors
13.1 DC Continuous Motors
13.2 Speed Control of DC Motors
13.3 Directional Control of DC Motors
13.4 RC Servos
13.5 Stepper Motors
13.6 Kinds of Stepper Motors
13.7 Driving Stepper Motors
13.8 Controlling the Driver with a Translator
13.9 A Final Word on Identifying Stepper Motors
CHAPTER 14 Hands-on Electronics
14.1 Safety
14.2 Constructing Circuits
14.3 Multimeters
14.4 Oscilloscopes
APPENDIX A Power Distribution and Home Wiring
A.1 Power Distribution
A.2 A Closer Look at Three-Phase Electricity
A.3 Home Wiring
A.4 Electricity in Other Countries
APPENDIX B Electronic Symbols
APPENDIX C Useful Facts and Formulas
C.1 Greek Alphabet
C.2 Powers of 10 Unit Prefixes
C.3 Linear Functions (y = mx + b)
C.4 Quadratic Equation (y = ax2 + bx + c)
C.5 Exponents and Logarithms
C.6 Trigonometry
C.7 Complex Numbers
C.8 Differential Calculus
APPENDIX D Finding Components
APPENDIX E A Note on Injection Molding and Patents
APPENDIX F History of Electronics Timeline
APPENDIX G Component Data, List of Logic ICs, Foreign Semiconductor Codes
G.1 Standard Resistance Values for 5% Carbon-Film Resistors
G.2 Selection of Diodes
G.3 Selection of Zener Diodes
G.4 General Purpose Bipolar Transistors
G.5 General Purpose Power Bipolar Transistors
G.6 Selection of RF Transistors
G.7 Selection of Small-Signal JFETs
G.8 Selection of Power FETs
G.9 Selection of Op Amps
G.10 Common 4000 Series Logic ICs
G.11 Common 7000 Series Logic ICs
G.12 Semiconductor Codes
APPENDIX H Analog/Digital Interfacing
H.1 Triggering Simple Logic Responses from Analog Signals
H.2 Using Logic to Drive External Loads
H.3 Analog Switches
H.4 Analog Multiplexer/Demultiplexer
H.5 Analog-to-Digital and Digital-to-Analog Conversion
H.6 Analog-to-Digital Converters
I.1 LED Displays
I.2 Alphanumeric LED Displays
I.3 Liquid-Crystal Displays
APPENDIX J Memory Devices
J.1 Read-Only Memories (ROMs)
J.2 Simple ROM Made Using Diodes
J.3 Terms Used to Describe Memory Size and Organization
J.4 Simple Programmable ROM
J.5 Various Kinds of ROM Devices
J.6 Random-Access Memories (RAMs)
APPENDIX K Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
K.1 Introduction to Microprocessors
K.2 Microcontrollers
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