كتاب: PIC Microcontrollers, Know it All
اسم الكتاب: PIC Microcontrollers, Know it All
دار النشر: Newens
المؤلفون: مارتين بايتس Martin Bates، لوسيو دي جاسيو Lucio Di Jasio، تشاك هيلبايك Chuck Hellebuyck، دوغان ابراهيم Dogan Ibrahim، جون مورتون John Morton، د.و. سميث D.W. Smith، جاك سميث Jack Smith،
سنة الإصدار: 2008
عدد الصفحات: 926
اللغة: الانجليزية
Section 1: An Introdcution to PIC Microcontrollers
Chapter 1. The PIC Microcontroller Family
Chapter 2. Introducing the PIC 16 Series and the 16F84A
Chapter 3. Parallel Ports, Power Supply and the Clock Oscillator
Section 2: Programming PIC Microcontrollers Using Assembly Language
Chapter 4. Starting to Program – An Introduction to Assembler
Chapter 5. Building Assembler Program
Chapter 6. Further Programming Techniques
Chapter 7. Prototype Hardware
Chapter 8. More PIC Applications and Devices
Chapter 9. The PIC12F50x Series – 8 pin PIC Microcontrollers
Chapter 10. Intermediate Operations Using the PIC12F675
Chapter 11. Using Inputs
Chapter 12. Keypad Scanning
Chapter 13. Program Examples
Section 3: Programming PIC Microcontrollers Using PicBasic
Chapter 14. PicBasic and PicBasic Pro Programming
Chapter 15. Simple PIC Projects
Chapter 16. Moving on with 16F876
Chapter 17. Communication
Section 4: Programming PIC Microcontrollers Using MBasic
Chapter 18. MBasic Compiler and Development Boards
Chapter 19. The Basics – Output
Chapter 20. The Basics – Digital Input
Chapter 21. Introductory Stepper Motors
Chapter 22. Digital Temperatures Sensors and Real Time Clocks
Chapter 23. Infrared Remote Controls
Section 5: Programming PIC Microcontrollers Using C
Chapter 24. Getting Started
Chapter 25. Programming Loops
Chapter 26. More Pattern Works, More Loops
Chapter 27. NUMB3RS
Chapter 28. Interrupts
Chapter 29. Taking a Loot Under the Hood
Section 6: Appendices
Appendix A: The PIC 16 Series Instruction Set
Appendix B: The Electronic Ping-Pong
Appendix C: DIZI-2 Board and Lock Application
Appendix D: Program M
Appendix E: Program N
Appendix F: Program O
Appendix G: Program P
Appendix H: Program Q
Appendix J: PIC 16F84A Data Sheet
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